The category of monoid actions in Cpo

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Mathematics of Shahid Beheshti University

2 PhD student at the Department of Mathematics of Shahid Beheshti University


In this paper, some categorical properties of the category ${bf
Cpo}_{{bf Act}text{-}S}$ of all {cpo $S$-acts}, cpo's equipped
with actions of a monoid $S$ on them, and strict continuous
action-preserving maps between them is considered. In particular,
we describe products and coproducts in this category, and
consider monomorphisms and epimorphisms. Also, we show that the
forgetful functor from ${bf Cpo}_{{bf Act}text{-}S}$ to the
category of cpo's has both a left and a right adjoint.


Main Subjects