Local tracial C*-algebras

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mathematics‎, ‎Shanghai Maritime University‎, ‎Shanghai 200135‎, ‎China.


‎Let $\Omega$ be a class of unital‎ ‎$C^*$-algebras‎. ‎We introduce the notion of a local tracial $\Omega$-algebra‎. ‎Let $A$ be an $\alpha$-simple unital local tracial $\Omega$-algebra‎. ‎Suppose that $\alpha:G\to $Aut($A$) is an action of a finite group $G$ on $A$‎ ‎which has a certain non-simple tracial Rokhlin property‎. ‎Then the crossed product algebra‎ ‎$C^*(G,A,\alpha)$ is a unital local tracial $\Omega$-algebra.


Main Subjects

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