Some extended Simpson-type inequalities and applications

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Business Administration‎, ‎Aletheia‎ ‎University‎, ‎Tamsui‎, ‎New Taipei City 25103‎, ‎Taiwan.

2 China University of Science and Technology‎, ‎Nankang‎, ‎Taipei 11522‎, ‎Taiwan‎.

3 Department of Applied Mathematics‎, ‎Aletheia‎ ‎University‎, ‎Tamsui‎, ‎New Taipei City 25103‎, ‎Taiwan.


‎In this paper‎, ‎we shall establish some extended Simpson-type inequalities‎ ‎for differentiable convex functions and differentiable concave functions‎ ‎which are connected with Hermite-Hadamard inequality‎. ‎Some error estimates‎ ‎for the midpoint‎, ‎trapezoidal and Simpson formula are also given‎.


Main Subjects

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